We have had several people ask for copies of our Deacon Fund Application, for use in their churches. Anyone who asks for financial assistance from our church fills this out and returns it to our deacon at an actual church service.
First, we ask the person to attend at least one church service before their application will be considered, which allows us to give the gospel and not just monetary assistance. It also protects us from those who would try to demand immediate assistance, without giving us time to think or pray about the situation.
Secondly, our deacon reviews all the applications and makes the final decision. My husband is the pastor, and I am usually the one who answers the phone when someone calls for help. Jason and I do not make any of the decisions regarding how the money is spent (since it was the deacons of the early church who distributed to the needy). We do not count offerings or keep track of who tithes. This has been very liberating for me, since most people would be tempted to try to manipulate me into giving them money. Since I do not have access to any of the money in our church, I am able to tell them to come to the next service and fill out the application. It has also allowed me to explain to people why it matters so much for them to hear the gospel. I remind them, "One hundred years from now, it will not matter to you that we gave you a bag of groceries. It will matter to you that we showed you how to know for sure that you are going to heaven."
Deacon Fund is an important ministry
of Believers Baptist Church. It exists
to help those who are truly in financial need due to unexpected
circumstances. We believe that the best
way we can help the needy is by (1) introducing them to our Savior, Jesus
Christ; (2) meeting immediate necessities; and (3) helping them to establish
financial responsibility. If you would
like to be considered for help from the Deacon Fund, please complete and return
this form in person when you attend one of our services. After we receive this form, we will contact
you within a week.
1. Personal
(street, city, state, zip) ________________________________________________
2. Do you currently attend church? ______________ If so, where?
3. How many adults live at the home?
_________________ How many
children? _______
4. Are you employed? ________________ If so, where?
5. Do you use:
Cigarettes? _________ Alcohol?
___________ Drugs? _______________
6. Have you applied to the Carrollton
Ministerial Alliance or other organizations for this need? _________________
7. Are you receiving public aid of any kind
(LINK, WIC, Medicaid, etc.)?
8. Would you be willing to let our church help
you establish a financial budget?
9. Briefly explain the circumstances that have
led to your need for financial assistance:
10. I have filled out this application honestly
and accurately.
Date: ___________
Thanks. I shared it with one our deacons.