Thursday, September 14, 2017

Book Recommendation: Bible Doctrines for Today by Michael Bere

~book recommendation~

One of the smallest books of the Bible contains one of its strongest commands: “ . . . earnestly contend for the faith.” (Jude, verse 3)

How do we contend for our faith? How do we effectively defend our Christian doctrines with Scripture and not man’s opinion?

An excellent resource for every Christian home is a book called Bible Doctrines for Today by Michael Bere (Pensacola, FL). This book is published by A Beka Book, and our own children use it as a textbook in their 10th grade Bible class in homeschool. It is moderately easy to read (high school level), full of Scripture, and rich with well-stated explanations for each of the nine basic doctrines of our faith.

Some topics that are especially helpful in Bible Doctrines for Today include the following:

How do we know that our Bible is truly inspired?
Is there any evidence that Jesus truly rose from the dead?
How can we argue effectively against the false teaching of evolution?
Why do we believe in the Rapture of the church?
What is “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”?
Do babies go to heaven if they die?
What is our attitude to be toward hostile human government?
Does the Bible really state that Jesus Christ is God?

These, and many other important topics, are covered thoroughly in this 343-page book. It is not meant to be read in a day, but it is a valuable time investment for anyone who wants to defend his faith with more than just opinion. Our greatest resource as Christians is the confidence with which we can rest in “Thus saith the Lord”!

The book can be ordered online from A Beka Book. It is also easily available second-hand through ebay, Amazon, and

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