Thursday, July 20, 2017


Sundays are hectic days, aren't they? We find ourselves rushing to get breakfast on the table, hair combed, teeth brushed, and shoes tied to hustle everyone out the door. And just when we feel that we have crossed the finish line of the Great Sunday Marathon, we get to church and realize: We forgot something!

Maybe it was a Bible, or a quarter for the offering plate, or an extra diaper for a baby. Maybe we look down and notice someone wearing mismatched socks, or we realize we forgot that extra breath mint to keep a stomach from growling during church. There always seems to be something, doesn't there?

But what is really the most important thing to bring to church? Surprisingly, it's not anything we have to pack into a diaper bag or a Bible case on Saturday night. The most important thing any of us can bring to church is an awareness of our great spiritual need.

Jesus said, "They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick." (Luke 5:31)

What is your spiritual need today? Are you aware of what God wants to do for you today? May God meet you at that place of need. "Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it."

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